CLIPPING - separating the product from the background
RETOUCHING - cleaning up imperfections on the product to improve overall product appearance.
Discriminating clients who need precision and premium product retouching may request the premium retouching service. This will elevate the quality of your photographs through the ruse of advanced retouching tehniques.
Clipping path fees are typically $25 per delivered photo, drop shadows *when requested) are typically $10 per delivered photo, and basic retouching is typically $25-$35 per delivered photo. Advanced retouching with compositing is typically $50-$125 per delivered photo. Consistency in retouching from image to image in the project is assured.
Clipping path fees are typically $5 per delivered photo, drop shadows *when requested) are typically $4 per delivered photo, and retouching is typically $12 per delivered photo. Advanced retouching with compositing is unavailable with this service.